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Weekly Wrap-Up 10/10

 Happy Sunday.  Hope this finds everyone well and safe and happy!  
Fall has still not really come to our area.  We have been having lovely temperatures.  Rain - lots of rain this past week.  You had to jump in and do whatever you needed to do outside in between rain showers.
This weekend has been warm.  It looks like temps in 70's this coming week.

I have had an emotional week with my kitties.  Blackie cat, has been very unwell this week.  It just kept getting worse and then he decided not to eat or drink at all.  His eyes looked so sad, and he didn't want to be touched.  I truly thought I was going to lose him.  He had so many symptoms that Lilly did with excess fluid/enlarged heart before her passing.
Well yesterday I finally got him in the carrier and went to the emergency vet.  What a story that was!  So many hoops to go through with all the C rules!!!!  I couldn't even go in for over and hour and half to be with him.  Any way - it turned out he had a bad mouth/gum infection.  Huge long lasting antibiotic shot and pain meds and he is home!  I have him in a large kennel at the moment - wanted to keep him secluded over night to make sure he didn't react badly to anything.  He ate like crazy last night!  Not as much this morning - but he is on the mend.  So happy.
Not a cheap day at all.  Nothing cheap about emergency medicine!  WOW  I am glad I could do it.  Love my babies.

My week:
  • I did get the entire yard mowed
  • Returned library book to drop-off.  Didn't even go in
  • Did a lot of yard clean-up in between rain. There is so much to do.  Seems there is never a shortage of work
  • Picked more tomatoes.  Picked another bouquet.  Those volunteer tomato plants are  blooming!!!!!  Too funny
  • Aired the house most of the week.  Did have to turn on AC a couple afternoons due to humidity
  • I did stop at a brand new Dollar Tree about 6 blocks away.  Full of lots of craft stuff.  I got a few goodies.  They had 32 oz. peroxide - so I got a couple more to add to stock.  I use instead of bleach.  I got more little glue tubes, a couple wonderful smelling candles, some lollipops and a couple cook books for gifts (I showed those earlier this week).
The Wyler drink packets were a 10 pack!!!!!  Love those little glue tubes - usually the right size for a repair.  Tootsie pops - $1 and pumpkin scent candles!!!!!
  • Stopped at feed store and did a small stock.  Needed corn
  • I then stopped at a super Kroger across the road.  Not my usual store.  Goodness they were well stocked!  I was impressed.  They carry everything from clothes, dishes, toys to food.  I got an extra carbonator for the Soda Stream (to have this winter) and some fruit.  Got bananas - .39/lb., seedless grapes - .99/lb. and apples .77/lb..  If you get the opportunity to shop different stores, you may find different stock levels!  It sometimes pays to go to new places
  • Changed the furnace filter and the batteries in the smoke detectors.
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
Meals this week:
Chicken tamales and salad
Cheesy mac/beef/broccoli
Small pizza
Fish sandwich, oven fries and sliced tomatoes
Potato salad and sliced tomatoes & fruit (busy day)
Loaded hotdogs and potato salad
Burger - too upset to eat much then got home late

How was your week?  Did you get any deals or save any money?  Any gardens still active?
Love hearing from you all.

I hope you all have a great week.  I hope your are still enjoying mild temps.  May you all be safe and healthy this week.
Blessings from my humble little home to yours.

Each  one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you will always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work.
2 Corinthians 7-8

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