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Walking down Summer Street~

 This is the view on Summer Street now~
 With the new sign hanging up and all the windows lettered~
 Its as pretty as I had hoped it would be!
 Who wouldn't want to go in this shop?
 After the window lettering went up, we needed to 
adjust the draperies as they blocked out the lettering.
Here it is with the new projecting sign, 
and you can see that the ivory
 swags block out the lettering to some degree~
 So up the ladder I went and after 
a few stabs at something different, 
Colin and I decided to take down the fabric~
Colin thought the chandeliers would look nice in each of the windows~
and I agreed...they were lost hanging in the back of the shop.
 So up they went~Colin hung them at just the right height.
 Its delicious and frenchy and very cottagey!
We are very happy at Maison Decor, the sales are doing really well, 
and it is a pleasure just walking through these doors!
 The customers love the shop, and so do we! 
I hope you will get a chance to visit someday and 
we can talk about decorating and all 
that good stuff! I never get tired of that~


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