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The Essential Conan!

This drawing of Conan by John Buscema is one of my favorites and possibly the last he drew officially for Marvel Comics. This piece of elegant artwork was used on the cover of maybe the last Conan product from Marvel, the Essential Conan Volume 1.

The monster is a bit peculiar though, looking a tad too "Space Ghosty" for a Conan universe illustration for me. Maybe this is an engrated Hyborian groundhog that the Cimmerian is dispatching before it can make a mockery of Aquilonian weather prediction models. Or perhaps not.

This volume is a great way to get the first twenty-five issues of the classic run cheaply reproduced, if you can find it. For a time there this was a very collectable book, and it does make for a handy reference. And it's pretty handsome to look at. Marvel has changed its Essential design several times and not always for the best, but the earliest volumes were uneven. This one for Conan looks quite sharp I think.

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