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Still injured, but better

Hertz trail today

Today Melanie and I went on our own walk, since I am still on the injured list. Although my ankle is much better than it was after I sprained it two weeks ago, it's still not good enough for much downhill activity. She and I went to the Hertz trail on the north shore of Lake Whatcom. She was hoping I might be well enough to do the Chanterelle trail, in the same neighborhood, but I knew that the downhill part would be challenging for my ankle, so instead we went on this lovely trail that extends for three miles from the parking lot.

Lake Whatcom and an old fallen cedar tree

It was cool and breezy as we made our way almost to the end of the trail. I was a little anxious about overdoing it, but the gentle trail and good conversation made it a pretty perfect walk for my condition. The rest of the Senior Trailblazers headed to Sauk Mountain, one of my favorites because of the incredible wildflowers. But I also knew it would not be a good idea for me to attempt it today, with plenty of elevation gain. I hope they had a good time and that everybody returns safe and sound.

Covered bridge on the Hertz trail

Along our walk today, we crossed two small covered bridges, with their streams just about dry at this time of the year, but it was lovely nevertheless. I noticed lots of yellow leaves on the trail, probably because of the dryness.

Dappled sunlight on the trail

Although it was overcast and breezy at the beginning of our day, the sun came out more and more as we walked. I think this serene picture will give you some idea of how delightfully calm and restorative it was. We did turn around a bit before the end of the trail, since I was a little anxious that I would need to cover the distance back and hopefully not re-injure the ankle. It feels pretty good now, as I sit here at home writing this post. And maybe by next week, I'll be able to join the Trailblazers once again!


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