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I am now contributing to Comics Alliance, a very good comics news site that I imagine many of you already read but if, for some reason, you don't, now you've got an extra reason to be doing so. I think I'll mostly be helping out with news and project announcement type things for the time being. I've written three posts so far, including this one on the passing of Joe Simon and this feature on Marvel's upcoming Doctor Strange: Season One, for which I interviewed Greg Pak and Emma Rios. I probably won't link back to every single thing I write over there, so consider this a heads-up regarding another place you can find additional writing about comics by me on the internet.

I'll continue to contribute weekly to the Robot 6 blog at Comic Book Resources as well. This week's column, which I linked to yesterday as well, was a bout Ragman, miracles, holidays and religion, but mostly about how cool Batman: The Brave and The Bold #14 was.

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