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Mad Monster Party? – review

Directed by: Jules Bass

Release Date: 1967

Contains spoilers

This is a 1960s animation monster mash, which has the distinction of being cited by Tim Burton as a great influence plus the voice of Bois Karloff. It was animated using the animagic stop motion technique.

Dr Boris Von Frankenstein (Boris Karloff) has his castle on Evil Island and is the head of the Worldwide Organisation of Monsters. Having come up with his newest invention, a formula that destroys matter (with a resultant mushroom cloud), he has his assistant Francesca (Gale Garnett) send out messenger bats to the monsters of the world – he is going to host a convention.

Felix Flanken (Allen Swift, who does most of the voices and should be taken as the voice actor if one is not mentioned) is an inept pharmacist with allergies and he receives an invitation – believing it to be the equivalent of a Caribbean cruise. The reason this human klutz has been invited? It transpires that he is Frankenstein’s nephew and the bad Doctor intends to retire and pass control of the organisation and his secrets to Felix.

The monsters, and Felix, all head to the island – with Felix due to arrive the day after the monsters. All that is accept ‘It’, who has not been invited and I won’t spoil who ‘It’ is. We get the full range of monsters, Dracula, the Mummy, Jekyll & Hyde, the Wolfman plus other familiar faces. Already on the island are the monster and his mate (Phyliss Diller).

When Francesca hears about Felix she arranges with Dracula to have him killed so that she, as the Doctor’s most perfect creation, will get his secrets and share them with Dracula. This leads to assassination attempts foiled by Felix’s inherent ineptness. Having been double crossed by Dracula, the Monster and his mate, Francesca summons ‘It’ to the island. During the double cross her life is saved by Felix and she realises that she is in love with him.

Dracula is a major character in this, possessing the ability to turn into a bat and having perma-fangs. In keeping with the feel of the movie and its madcap nature, he is somewhat inept himself.

This is probably where the movie fails slightly; the action is madcap and, essentially, animated slapstick peppered with bad puns. Whilst children orientated it doesn’t possess the adult nuances that perhaps an equivalent production would aim for now. That’s not to say that it isn’t fun but some of the puns and slapstick moments are groan worthy rather than funny. The plot is pure monster mash and, to be fair, nothing is too demanding or surprising.

The main aspect I felt had not aged too well was the songs, which became, to me, tedious, though the one featuring Karloff is worthy for curio value is nothing else.

I liked the animation, it had a retro-chic to it and we can see in the almost proto-type Jessica Rabbit proportions of Francesca that imprinting male fantasy onto animation characters was not just the province of more modern animations.

Over all an undemanding experience, that probably does a lot more for the viewer if they saw it as a kid. 5 out of 10.

The imdb page is here.

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