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I finally got my car out after 5 days!  I was getting a bit stir crazy 😜 I tried to get out yesterday but after an hour of shoveling snow, it started to snow heavily again so I gave up.  OH finally got back from Italy this morning (2 days late!!) and helped me do the last bit out to the road.  The main roads are driveable but the gritter lorries just push the snow to the sides of the road in huge piles.  This makes the roads very narrow.  But at least they're clear.

Every morning I've dug out a path to the coop so Penny can come out if she wants.  She's got food and water inside and outside.  I scatter some feed over the ground so she can forage a bit and she gets warm porridge too. She seems happy enough as she gives me an egg almost daily in return.

Meals have been interesting this week!  I was running down my fridge freezer so I could clean it and restock it.  I had no meat or fish left.  Just loads of veggies. This was a veggie lentil chilli mixed with rice and chopped spinach with some wholegrain mustard.  Doesn't photograph well but it was delicious!

This was Punjabi spiced roast cauliflower (Madhur Jaffray recipe) with spinach rice and toasted cashews.  Also very delicious.  It would have been lovely with some raita or mango chutney but I didn't have either.  It really was a use it up meal!

I did manage to get to Sainsbury's today but the car park was a disaster with huge piles of snow everywhere and inconsiderate parking (mainly by 4x4 drivers).  I drove round it (very carefully!!) for 20 mins then gave up.  I tried the small Lidl near me and it was the same story.  So I came home, put my walking gear on and walked back to Lidl.  I managed to get some chicken, cod and salmon (their pricing for local Scottish produce is really good!) and some fresh fruit and vegetables to keep me going for a few days.  There were lots of empty shelves, some things I wouldn't be buying anyway.  Hopefully the next time I go they'll be full up again.

Hope you're safe and warm wherever you are!!

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