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Five on Friday: Autumn Delights

1. As I write, the rain drips trickles through the gutters. It's been dark and wet most of the day. Not much wind, but it's beginning to pick up a little. A candle burns (for atmosphere) and the gas fireplace has been on and off (automatic thermostat) several times. 

Autumn is well and truly here. The golden leaves of the Garry Oak tree show one side of this changeable season; today's views show another. A bit moody, autumn is. 

2. On a recent walk we spied this fat bunny. She was a little skittish and scampered over to the blackberry bushes in case she needed to make a fast getaway. I've never seen such a large bunny with such a thick coat of fur. The black outline of her ears is striking - is it natural, or did she use some mascara?

3. Our fair city with a bank of fog over the Strait beyond. In the foreground is Swan Lake Nature Preserve, shining in the sunlight. There's a height restriction for building, and I'm glad of it - who wants to block out the view with skyscrapers?

4. Late summer I picked up some fabric remnants to make new cushions for the living room. Finally, they are finished. I've piled them all onto the couch, but some belong on the love seat, as well. It's a good feeling to finish a project, even one as simple as these cushions. 

Some people don't like or use cushions on their couches, but I find that most seating is too deep and I slouch or else can't touch the floor with my feet. I like a squashy cushion that I can place behind my back. They're also great for those times when I just can't keep my eyes open and I softly collapse for a nap. 

5. This evening I baked a Pear Upside-Down Cake using a recipe from Canadian Living. You can find it by clicking on the link. It's too dark for a proper photo. The cake tastes delicious - I had a piece straight out of the oven. 

And I'll sneak in one more - I collected a few leaves on a recent walk and stacked them into a vase. The textures and autumnal shades appeal to me, and nothing could be simpler. 

Linking with Amy at Love Made My Home for Five on Friday.

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