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Brain Overload And A Trip To Stephen And Penelope.

What is the  technical term for a cultural overload I wonder? What ever it is I’m having one. I’m lying on my hotel bed nursing very sore feet, that have plodded miles this last few days. Over cobbles, tripping at times. Squeezing through narrow lanes where cyclists try to topple you, if they can. The brain is numbed too, from far too many wonderful works of art and historical information. It needs time to assimilate everything. Fortunately tomorrow is transit day and I’ll be able to process all the wonderful items in my own good time.

Managed to find the woolshop this morning recommended by Veggimummy. Stephen and Penelope. So glad I did but rather sad that I let husband accompany me on this occasion . Should have sent him in the opposite direction for a while to ogle the ladies in their windows showing their wares. Certainly put mine to shame! Instead he huffed and puffed while I made my decisions. Such a lot to choose from. I wasn’t as bad as the lady ahead of me at the till. She was obviously making a beautiful fair isle jumper and her little basket worth came to nearly €400 . Phew. If I’d tried that I’d have had a very discouraging look. You’ll have to wait and see what I bought.

One disappointment was the French fries. Nothing came remotely near. I did see one shop touting chips in a cone but they seemed to be very chunky and coated in curry sauce. Oh dear no.

Amsterdam is a much larger city than imagined. With more miles of canal than a normal person can walk in three days. We did a pretty good job and I’ll share my photos soon. It was as charming and quaint and friendly as expected. The bicycles were the icing on top of the cake. I could quite possibly do a post on them alone.

But I’ll leave you with a few iPad photos from the royal palace in Dam square, originally the town hall. Louis Bonaparte took it over for his place at the start of the 19th century and it inherited many pieces of French Empire furniture.

I’ll be back soon once I’ve gathered breath and sorted out the camera. Hopefully all is well with everyone.

Barbara xxx

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