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Autumn Ravioli Surprise

This week, my teaching schedule finally became it's usual bustling self (my art classes always trickle in at the beginning of a new school year) and I am now once again, busy enough to have to start worrying about what to make for dinner every night.

Thank goodness, my trusty icebox was full of these delicious frozen pillows of help.

Ever since I discovered Rising Moon Ravioli's (no, they aren't paying me for this), I try to always keep them on hand because they make a wonderful base for a very easy, quick...and healthy evening meal.

Usually I add prosciutto, zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, onion, garlic...etc., with the sauce being just olive oil, some lemon juice, and a little cayenne. But last night, not having a few of those ingredients, and not feeling much like going to the grocery to get them, I decided to be creative and use what we had on hand. Well, we ended up liking this new version so much that I think it will become a bona fide standard now...at least during the fall season, and it only took me all of about half an hour to cook as well, which made me very happy!

For this version, I used two packages of the Feta-Hazelnut with Butternut Squash Ravioli which were boiled in water for about five minutes. The second they float to the top, you know they're done, any longer than that and they get mushy. I then added:

Prosciutto - Two pieces, rolled, sliced, then chopped and added to a pan of hot olive oil to crisp them up. Place on a paper towel lined dish when done.

Haricot Vert - A small handful, sliced into two inch pieces, then blanched in boiling water for about three minutes, drain in colander when done.

One shallot and two extremely large cloves of garlic chopped fine....the results split in half.

One half of the shallot-garlic combo was added to a saute pan in which butter and olive oil were melted together, and after sauteing for one minute (or less), a package of fresh, chopped crimini mushrooms were added, along with salt, pepper, and some dried crushed thyme.

The other half of the shallot-garlic combo was added to a larger saute pan and also sauteed for one minute (or less). Then some chopped red cabbage, about a quarter of a head, and half an apple, chopped, were added to it, along with salt, pepper, crushed dried thyme, and a splash of apple cider vinegar (this replaced the acidity of the lemon that I would normally add).

These were all cooked to completion, combined in the pan that had the cabbage & apple...a crushing of dried tarragon was added along with some chunks of Maytag Blue Cheese, then the whole lot was cooked over low heat just until the cheese had melted slightly, then more salt & pepper were added to taste...and we were done!

I have to say, it turned out amazing, and the only thing I would have added if I'd had them, was some chopped toasted hazelnuts or walnuts, but even without these, it was very tasty...the perfect quick, Autumnal, after work, concocted meal...one that we will definitely be making again, and again.

Do you have any quick and easy, busy day meals that you've come to know, love, and make quite often? If so, please do share...it would be so wonderful to give them a try as well...I know we all could use a little help in this area.

If you do give this meal a try, which I hope you do...please share that as well, as I'd love to know what you thought, and tasted! Please enjoy...

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