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A Keepers of the Home Meeting...

Hello my dears.. 
How are you? 

It certainly is a very cold day here in Eastern Canada.. 
Last week we just needed a sweater but today we need a Winter jacket..
 And the wind.. a bit fierce.. 

We did have a couple of nice windy rainy nights this weekend.. 

I went to bed real early... 
The window wide open and the curtain billowing out ... 
I propped up another pillow and stayed awake.. 
Listening, thinking, remembering, praying...
I felt shut in with God in a secret place..  

Have you ever done that? 

On Saturday morning we had our Keepers Meeting...

We had a really good turnout.. 

 Several special guests..

Susan's and Lindsay's Moms and Doris. Joanie and Elsie came especially for the party

Elsie gave each of us a homemade dishcloth and brought several bags of pine cones for us all to share.. 
Sweet ladies.. 


I don't think they get much cuter than this, eh?
Our hostess, Lindsay's sweet children.. 

We included an Epicure party ...

Delicious treats and samples to taste along with lovely coffee, coffee cake, apple cake and biscuits and jam all made by the dear Keepers themselves..

We did not have time to make a craft so a little demonstration was done.. 

Lindsay will love this pic but it was too cute to not put on here.. 
Some easy paper crafts for the holidays..
Ideas from Pinterest.. 

Then Darlene did her thing.. 

A very interesting time... 
She knows her stuff.. smile.. 
Thank you, Darlene.. 
We loved your treats.. smile.. 

We also had a lesson about the HOME.. 
And the dear Keeper who is in charge of it..

What is expected of her as she tries to manage 
her home and family and most importantly to put her 
Lord in the middle of it all.... 

We had a few verses to write down for those kinda days when it seems like all is going wrong.. 
Sometimes things come against your home and tries to rob it of the joy.. 

But there is something you can depend on.. 
The Word of God.. 

Here are a few references for you.. 
These you can actually pray.. 

For your home ... Psalms 101
For your husband.. Ephesians 3:14-19
Insert his name.. 
For your children... Psalms 119-114 and 27:1-3
For your finances.. Psalms 37:25
For the protection of your dear family... Isaiah 43:2. Psalms 12:8

No matter what happens in this world.. 
Wars, strife,weather, economy, broken hearts and minds ..
Jesus Christ is the answer...
He gives you peace in your storm... 

Your home is the most important place on earth.. 
Pray for it .. 
Protect it.. 
Love it...

And always remember ..
God made the family first.. 

Thank you girls for such a lovely meeting ... 
And for your faithfulness.. 
We love you...

Thank you, dear hearts for dropping by.. 
Love having you all and so enjoy your sweet comments.. 
God bless.. 

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