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It's A Haul Y'all! - Lush-o-ween

Hey There!

I went to Lush for Lush-o-ween! I was excited because I love indulging in the bath products that they have. I'm a bath girl so I really enjoy bath bombs and bubble bars and bubblers. The new Halloween Lushes came out on October 3 (in some places before that date). I try to high tail it into Lush when new collections come out. Halloween was no exception.

I made it out of the store $42 poorer. Or, 5 Lush-ious products richer. You decide. Whichever descriptor you decide on, I ain't mad at it!

The first thing I picked up isn't a Halloween item. It's their Bubble Gum Lip Scrub ($9.95). The kiddo and I split one of these between us. I love using this scrub. It smells good and tastes good and exfoliates your lips gently. I only use the scrub about once every two weeks. I find that more than that is too harsh. I exfoliate and then slather with aquaphor. Ta-da! Smooth, sexy lips.

The Sparkly Pumpkin ($7.95) is the prettiest, sparkliest, orange pumpkin I've ever owned. And it's a bubble bar. And it's supposed to turn your bath water into a gold, glittering pool of energized joy. I wonder how I'm gonna clean that outta the tub.

The Lord of Misrule Bath Bomb ($6.95) is a green ball of herbal fizz. One word - Patchouli. I wasn't sure what Patchouli was until I started spending time (and money) in Lush. Now every time I walk in, I leave with something with Patchouli as an ingredient. It smells fantastic and because this is a bath bomb, it's a green, fizzy foam and it's fun and refreshing.

Yuzu and Cocoa ($7.95) smelled like orange chocolate. It's sweet and is supposed to make frothy bubbles. It's a bath melt (similar to the bubble bar). I am excited to use this because it reminds me of Terry's Milk Chocolate. I love Terry's Milk Chocolate.

Avobath ($6.45) is a lemongrass bubble bar. I love the smell of lemongrass. It's such a fresh scent. It reminds me of clean and fresh mornings. Now the shimmery water, again, how am I going to clean the tub?

No one thinks about cleaning the tub when they use Lush products. The only thing they think about is how wonderful a soak in the tub is going to feel and how fragrant the bathroom is going to smell.

Did you pick up the Lush-o-ween products? Have you used them yet? What did you think about them?

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