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A 73 Year Old Man, Calls Himself Jesus of Zimbabwe Dies After Fasting For 30 Day And 30 Nights-{See Photo}

Jesus Christ of Zimbabwe who real name is Khulu Reinfirst Manyuka,73, has died of malnutrition after he attempted to emulate the 40 days and night fast of Jesus of Nazareth.

Mr Khulu Manyuka reportedly left home on 15 June this year headed to the bush to conduct prayers, redirecting his attention to God, away from things of the earth.

Manyuka was known by his family and community at large as a very spiritual person whose faith could move mountains. 

His death puzzled those dearest to him. A close relative who chose to speak on condition of anonymity broke the news.

He reportedly left home on June 15, and headed for the bush to carry out the
dry fast, promising his relatives that he would be back on the 40th day just like the Son of God but died in the process.

Manyuka was known by his family and the entire community as a very spiritual person whose faith could move mountains, but in the attempt at putting his faith to the test, failed woefully.

A close relative broke the news to the online platform thus:

“He was a very spiritual man. It’s unfortunate he had to die this way. We got news of his death a month after he undertook the fasting. He was a healthy and religious old man who did not even look his age.”

Manyuka was allegedly driven to the ‘wilderness’ by the urge to emulate Christ but sadly, he did not equal or break Christ’s record.


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