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This wasn't supossed to happened...!

Yes, because it was supposed that today I would write about our last day at Berlin, I know... but... it has been a long day!!

I woke up early in the morning because I had to fix some papers in the centre; after that, I walked a while, leaving my CV in some shops... yes, I'm looking for a job!
Later, I came home and saw the new season of Lost... Ohmylost!! And at 5 o'clock I was at Urgell because I had an appointment with guiding for searching a job... but suddenly, my phone started to ring; it was my friend Vega, who said that in their Claire's shop they're looking for a girl... and they want me for an interview... so please, wish me luck for tomorrow!

And now the most amazing thing: today, I helped to save a life. Yes. I was in the underground, and I found my friend María Baeta walking through the red line. After chatting a little bit, we said bye and I keep my way... until I found a guy on the floor. He was an inmigrant, and seemed like he was not breathing... so I put him in the lateral position, checked if he was breathing (hopefully yes) and asked for help. Some passersby stopped and helped me then too ... and soon the ambulance arrived.

This makes me think about life, death and how we sometimes waste our time with stupid things. I mean, what if I can't buy a pair of Prada shoes? What if I can't get a Miu Miu dress? What if I'm on two extra kilos? We only live once, as the Strokes said... And we should enjoy life love ourselves; and smiling particularly real smiling.

Today I feel happy because, after all my life, after all the good and the bad things; I'm alive...

Thanks for reading, tomorrow I'll try to do an outfit post, read all your comments (and answer them, of course) and talk about our last day at Berlin!

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