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New Year's resolutions!


Hello sweeties,

 I know I am a little late on this, but better late than never right?

To be honest I am not a really organised person, I do tend to have some goals but I have never had new year's resolutions before. I want to give this a try this year and I will do my best to keep up with it!I have seen so many new year's resolutions from other bloggers and my list kept getting bigger and bigger, and I decided to narrow it down and just keep the things that will make me proud of myself if I accomplish them.

1. Eat and drink healthy

 Well, I am not a huge fan of drinking water, I don't really know why and I know that it's important but I always forget about it. I want to at least start drinking 1L of water a day, I know it's not too much but there were days I wasn't drinking water at all! Once I get used to that I want to make my way to drinking 2L a day! On that note I will also try to reduce drinking coke and too much coffee. As for food, I want to incorporate more salads and fruits into my diet and try to eat breakfast every single day. I am always in a hurry and have only coffee for breakfast which isn't good at all!

2. Exercise more

 I don't really mean going to the gym and everything, but I want to at least walk for 20-30 minutes a day and exercise at home at least three times a week. The first one is not too difficult as I always go to Uni or to the town centre on foot, but when it comes to exercising I am a really couch potato!

3. Try not to be such a last minute person

People that know me, know that I always leave everything until the last minute and when I say everything I literally mean everything. I always say and plan to do everything early but I just can't, this may also have to do with me not being an organised person. However I want to change that, not only it will help me have more things done but it will also help me and make me a more responsible person. I will try and minimise the things I always leave for last minute.

4. Blog more

 This may be harder than it seems! I am now in my third and final year of University and my timetable is full with hand ins and the weather isn't really helping me when it comes to taking outfit pictures! However I am planning on starting doing some make up reviews on products I've been loving lately and try to post at least two outfits a week. That's not too hard, is it?

5. Be more confident, be more me

 Last but not least I want to be more myself. Blogging really changed me in various ways, making me more confident and more socialised. However I am still a really shy person (I used to be a lot worse, I wasn't confident with going to the grocery store by myself, too shy for that!), but I managed to change a lot and wear stuff I wouldn't be normally wearing. I want to come out of my shell and step out of my comfort zone in different ways! First is picture taking, I used to try and find a really quiet place to do that in order to avoid people seeing me, not anymore (I hope!)! Being more socialised, as I am in the UK and english is not my first language I am not really confident when it comes to making long conversations with people. I am always too stressed out that I will say something wrong.. However I am trying to be more confident and don't think about it too much, so far so good!

So these are my new year's resolutions! I know that they may not seem so difficult to some people 
but to me they really are. Wish me good luck with them:)
Let me know what yours are and good luck with keeping up with them!

Thanks for reading:)

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