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Plus Size Models At Fashion Week?

Ever wondered what models might look like if they actually ate?

Fashion lovers got a glimpse at an alternative universe yesterday, as Canadian designer Mark Fast sent 'plus size' models down the runway at London Fashion Week.
While noticeably larger than the average catwalk model, the women were by no means overweight.Instead the models were a size 14 or 16, a healthy dress for their above average height.

The knitwear designer likes to use a mix of different sized models in his shows, to prove that the clinging designs look good on every bodyshape. These include size 16 Crystal Renn, who walked out in a bright red dress yesterday.

But not everyone welcomes Fast breaking the mould.Last year Fast's stylist and creative director walked out three days before his show, apparently in protest at being asked to work with the 'plus size' models.But this year the show went without a hitch. London modelling agency 12+ UK supplied the models.

Founder Sarah Watkinson said 29-year-old Fast was dedicated to using real-looking women.But she added that no other Fashion Week designers had sought models from her.

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